Wednesday, February 29, 2012

When I am laid in earth

I had a music and culture quiz today and I think I made some pretty dumb mistakes that are going to piss me off when I get it back. The good thing about this? I still listened to a lot of beautiful music.

That's not the exact version I have on my iTunes (different singers; the woman singing it in my version doesn't get as crazy about flipping her r's), but it still works as an example. That was one of my favorites this time around.

As evidenced by my minor breakdown yesterday and my far smaller upset today, I've been feeling a little lost lately. I haven't written anything outside of a blog post for a month. Most of my clothes are dirty, and I've a very small amount of quarters to do laundry with. I've been letting small things disappoint me and I've been feeling disconnected from my family.

Sometimes, being away from home is really difficult.

I recognized before I left for school that I had a very strong connection to my family, and that it was going to be difficult to live seven hours away without a car or a ton of money to dedicate to travel, but honestly, there's a difference between recognizing and experiencing. And let me tell you, experiencing is a whole lot harder.

Other things about today: I woke up late, and didn't have a lot of time before class to salvage a decent outfit from the desolate wasteland that is my closet (hence the lack of outfit post). I'm getting really tired of Georgia's winter, you guys. I'm also getting tired of having to buy every load of laundry, but I mentioned that. I'm just a really selfish girl with a lot of needs, okay?

Other, less negative aspects of today: I auditioned for the solo in Singers. I auditioned for the last solo, and that was a huge step, because I was mad anxious. I was still anxious for this one, but slightly less so, which is a wonder because I was far less prepared. Baby steps, guys. With each audition, I get a little bit more confident and therefore a little more likely to actually land a solo part. That's what I like to think, anyway. But really, there are some talented ladies and gentlemen competing against me, and while I hope to eventually get a solo I really like before graduating, I won't begrudge anyone I admire their chance to shine.

Side note: Serious props to Dr. Ray for constantly being so encouraging, despite all of my blushing uncertain bull.

And, while speaking in the vein of people who have managed to impress me/individuals I admire, shout out to the following:
  1. Sonya, for being so level-headed, steady, intelligent, and stylish, and for rocking the ever-lovin' crap (I'm going to try to avoid cursing in blog posts from now on, since that's more ladylike and professional and all sorts of good things; plus, my grandma reads this blog) out of a short haircut
  2. Melinda, for ALSO rocking a sassy haircut (and a RED one, mmhm girl), for being funny and friendly, and for being entirely unafraid to speak her mind
  3. Janet, for proving to be such a delightfully sweet, charming, quirky, and smart individual
  4. Chelsea, for pulling out her braids on a whim and for being my ever-adorable and infinitely kind big sister
  5. Melina, for being a constant source of inspiration and admiration, and for being the best sister and friend that anyone could ever ask for
  6. Miranda, for reading this blog and for letting me know, and for being a seriously BA cousin (I love you, too)
  7. My grandmother, for being classy and fabulous
  8. My mother, for being a woman I am unendingly proud to resemble in both physical appearance and personality
  9. My brother, for being so smokin' hot and physically enormous that people who've never met him assume that he's in his early twenties, and for being a complete boss
  10. My father, for giving really good hugs, knowing answers to Jeopardy! questions, and having ridiculous theories that make me laugh when he takes me out to do silly things like buy ice cream and discuss Eastern religion
  11. My littlest one, Kitty Cat, for making me smile all of the time and for being so incredibly smart and such a PYT that it makes tears come to my eyes on occasion
  12. Heather, for thinking that I am "cooler than her" (gurl, you cray) and for embracing her difficulties with the English language
  13. Becca, for having seriously fierce hair today and for always giving me things when I need them
And I think, on all of those positive notes, that I'll end this blog post. Here's to hoping I wake up at a decent hour tomorrow (I've disregarded my bed time because I have no class tomorrow! And I slept so late today, so I figure if I wake up earlier tomorrow that'll put me back on track)! And that I force myself out of bed and into my running shorts, because honestly, I miss exercise. And if there is anything I need more than clean bras, it's some cardio.

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